Everything with Intention: Choosing a Color Palette for CLA Communications


Building a color palette for even the smallest project comes with great intention. There is so much more to color choice than aesthetic. Be it pixels on a screen or ink on paper, the right color can instill trust within a brand, create a feeling of energy, excitement or just the opposite.

From the start, I knew materials produced for the CLA should have a strong and swiftly recognizable presence. Brochures, social media and seasonal newsletters were revamped using a limited, but largely energetic and discernible series of colors.

Scroll through the images below for a glimpse into the inspiration behind the CLA communications color palette.

This series of vibrant colors, pulled directly from the paint on the CLA’s fleet of lake maintenance equipment, is easily recognizable on and around the shores of Chautauqua Lake.

To see more of the work I’ve done for the Chautauqua Lake Association, follow the link to my portfolio page! 

For more information on the Chautauqua Lake Association, visit ChautauquaLakeAssociation.org or follow them on Facebook! 


Giving Back


Rebrand: Jamestown Public Market